WEB - Development

WEBKOMPAKT has specialized in the programming of image-enhancing websites and high-revenue landing pages. A vision without action is an illusion.

Webkompakt bietet Webdesign für KMUs und individuellen Personen

What We Develop


WEBKOMPAKT has specialized in the programming of image-enhancing websites and high-revenue landing pages.

A vision without action is an illusion. True to this guiding principle, implementation is our top priority. If you let us create your landing page or develop your website, you can be sure: We don't build castles in the air, but powerful websites.

In detail, the development of your website with us works like this:

In a first step, we discuss your goals, wishes and ideas, in short: your project. We cordially invite you to our office in St. Gallen for a cup of coffee, or you can brew your own cup and contact us via Skype. Together with Mr. Juric, you will first develop a strategy in this and possible follow-up discussions before you have your website programmed.

If you already have media material yourself, send it over to us. If not, we will look for suitable photos, videos and audios and we will be happy to create your logo (see branding). Once everything is gathered, our design team gets to work. You can follow the progress at any time via a subdomain of our own site.

Do you like what you see? Then the programmers get started. With countless lines of code, you will slowly but surely develop your website. Let yourself be inspired by the workflow, because we will test, rewrite and test again and again until the page really runs perfectly on all screens and in every browser. It doesn't matter whether we create a WordPress website for you, develop web shop software or implement a booking system.

Finally, we make the site live, which means we install it on a server of your choice. Depending on the package booked, we now make final adjustments, such as search engine optimization. As a final step, we will show you how to use your new website.

All well and good, but actually we can tell you a lot? We thought so too, which is why we asked our previous customers for their honest feedback. Before you let us program your website, you can view an excerpt of our testimonials here.

Do you prefer to get your own impression? Great: Now you can contact us directly and subject us to a very critical examination in a personal consultation.

Webkompakt, Ihre Internet Media Agentur

Let's Talk


fon: +41 79 732 54 93
skype: webkompakt
[email protected]

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